The Habit
90-year-old Jackie Watson shares her battle with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) living through the Great Depression. Her story chronicles her struggles before psychiatry became an accepted specialty and recounts her incessant battle with herself and a brain she believed was broken. 
Hi I'm         
Jeremy Jackson
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Jacqueline Gellens Watson
JACQUELINE (Jackie) Gellens Watson grew up in a small town of 6,000 people in Southwest Missouri and firmly believes in small towns for children. 

Jackie has lived with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) since she was a young girl in the Great Depression. Her story chronicles her struggles before psychiatry became an accepted specialty and recounts her incessant battle with herself and a brain she believed was broken. 

With scant help in managing and treating her condition available, Jackie came up with an unorthodox method for coping she calls "The Five."

Interviews & Book Signing
Jackie is available for interviews and book signings.
What People Are Saying...
"This is a wonderful memoir that kept me interested the whole time. Couldn’t put it down!"
Sarah Taylor
Austin, TX
"Jackie is so honest and witty and amazingly humble. Her voice in her book is that (of) Missouri bare bones. She has a pioneer woman's voice that makes you feel optimistic about life. I am so glad my Dad married this woman and brought her to our huge neurotic family. The book is so well written, I read it in one night an d LOVED it!"      
M'lyn (Marilyn) Butterfield
Portland, OR.
“Jackie Gellens Watson gives us a frank and honest account, with a sprinkling of humor, of her struggles with undiagnosed OCD in The Habit. She has painted the portrait of a sensitive, creative and grateful young girl, filled with determination and the inner strength of someone much older, despite the mistakes she made in her young life before she was diagnosed with OCD. Each chapter ends with an invitation to keep reading. I finished it one day!”
Nancy Pinson
Wilmington, DE
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