my gift to you:
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Here's some of what you will learn...
  • ​Position Yourself As An Authority
  • ​Attract Qualified Leads  
  • ​Build Your Brand and Increase Your Income ...effortlessly
Dear Friend,

Every single day I speak with authors who confide in me that they... wrote the wrong book.

Or they don't know how to MARKET their book.
...this means very few people ever get to read their book.

Worse, they don't know how to MAKE MONEY with their book.

This book will help you solve those problems.

It will show you how to write the right book, in 90-days or less, and how to turn it into your MOST POWERFUL MARKETING TOOL.

How do I know this is possible?
I'm not proud to admit it, but it took me over 20-years to write and publish my first book. Then, once I figured this out, my wife and I 10X'd our income==> within 12-months of publishing my 1st book!
Here's what I discovered:
*Becoming an author is the most powerful thing you can do for your business, your brand, and your legacy.

It would be my honor to help you SHARE YOUR MESSAGE with the world.
Your time is running out.
How many people are going to show up at your funeral?...
What will people say and remember about you?
What's your LEGACY going to be?

It's easy to think of your legacy as a "cute concept."
Possibly it sits in the background of your mind and is something you'll get around to when you're close to your DEATHBED.

(But by that time, it's too late.)

Recently a friend (and a previous client) of mine committed suicide. 

He'd wanted to share his message with the people he cared about most...

 ==> His wife.
 ==> His kids. 
 ==> And, his father. 

But, they'll never read his book.

You have a RESPONSIBILITY to share it with the world.
There are people out there who need your help.

Believe me... there’s nothing worse than spending (wasting) countless hours of the time, and energy and money and frustration on the WRONG BOOK

And it's DANGEROUS to your business, your brand and your reputation, to become a published author, with a book that sucks.

Or with marketing that sucks. Or having a book that doesn't help you MEET YOUR MISSION.

What if you did all that work, only to discover that you wrote the wrong book? 
What if you do all that work, and it doesn’t help you advance your mission? 
Or, your vision? Or, help you promote yourself, your brand, or your business?
Well, this book is going to help you make sure you don’t make those mistakes.

When you write the WRONG book, you WASTE your time and energy, and ultimately you sabotage the success a book can create for you, and the impact it can have on others.
Done correctly, becoming a published author can build a LEGACY that transcends time.

At the same time, it can build your personal brand, it creates powerful lead-generation 'magnets’ that you can use in your marketing, it helps you attract the media, it can give you FREE publicity, it can promote your cause or mission, or philosophy

You can use a book fame, fortune, or fulfillment…

It's proven. A book is the most powerful action you can take! 
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