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Please Watch Below Before We Speak

[There are 2 videos below]

[ VIDEO 1: Watch This To Maximize Your Call ]

On this call, we'll go deep into:

  • WHERE you are with your book (it's an idea, it's started or it's complete)...
  • Why this is IMPORTANT to you...
  • What RESULTS you want from your book... (what are your top business goals and what you want 'beyond' your book)...

NOTE: If you are a "no-show," we DO NOT offer reschedules. 

This is non-negotiable. Of course... if something comes up, you can reschedule our call, but if you just don't show up... you will NOT be able to book another call. 

[ VIDEO 2: Watch This To Learn Our Formula ]

How we reverse-engineer your success:

  • Our Epic Author "formula" and how you can APPLY it to your situation... so you can grow your business, mission or movement
  • Why this system virtually GUARANTEES your new book makes-a-difference
  • ​How to gain "instant" author status, share your message with the world, and help you MONETIZE the entire process

Proof This Process Can Work For You

[ Check Our Success Stories ]

Over $140 Million and counting in less than 2 years

Lisa Chastain

Yes, Trevor helped me become a #1 Bestselling Author. But it was so much more than that... Using his strategy, helped me earn $12,000 in less than 30-days, BEFORE I even had a title for my book.

Mark Purnell

Trevor has been an invaluable helping me finish my book, become a bestseller, and negotiate and close some of the biggest consulting deals I've ever offered.

Dr. Mimi Secor

With Trevor's help, my book hit #1 and added HUNDREDS of new clients. Plus, I've SOLD OUT my brand new high ticket program that Trevor helped me create. Thank you so much!

[ Some Of Our #1 Bestselling Author Clients... ]

[ Here Are 4-Client Case Studies]


Bestseller Results In Less Than 24-Hours

-Jess Todtfeld


From -$300/month to $15,000/month

-Lisa Chastain


Speaker Becomes 7-Figure-Earner

-Steve Napolitan